Youths Stage
New disciples of guitar
22.10.2016 (Saturday)
4.30 PM
Market Square – Town Hall
1 Rynek Ratusz, Wroclaw, Poland
The mission of the Wrocław Guitar Society, the organiser of Guitar Masters 2016 (previously known as Gitara+), is the promotion of guitar music and guitarists. During our festival we present not only the greatest stars of the guitar or prominent, albeit lesser known to the general audience instrumentalists, but also musicians, who are only just beginning their careers. We would also like to support the youngest talents. Therefore, for several years we have been coorganising the Youths Stage. The concert as part of this year's edition of the Youths Stage will feature students of music schools from Poland and from Germany. You will be able to listen to young guitarists both solo and in ensembles.
OSM I and II st. im K. Szymanowskiego in Wrocław
Guitar duo – prepared by Marek Zieliński: Karolina Drozd and Beata Atłas
PSM I and II st. im. St. Moniuszki in Jelenia Góra
Soloist Natalia Mikulska kl. II c 6 – prepared by Marek Mikulski
Soloist Jakub Imiołek kl. IV c 6 – prepared by Marek Mikulski
Soloist Maksymilian Wieczorek kl. III szkoła II st. – prepared by Marek Mikulski
Soloist Wincenty Krawczyk kl. VI szkoła II st. – prepared by Marek Mikulski
PSM I st. im G. Bacewicz in Wrocław
Soloist Nel Maślanka kl. VI c 6 – prepared by Agata Furmanowska
PSM I st. of Music Society in Jarosław
Guitar quartet: Felice Guitar Quartet – prepared by Robert Polański: Natalia Kornatka, Dorota Perczyńska, Karolina Wołoszyn, Olga Hala
Heinrich Schutz Konservatorium Dresden
Quartet Gitarre - Mandolinequartet: – przygotowanie zespołu Katja Brunn: Gabriele Harnisch (mandolin), Rebecca Henze (mandolin), Samuel Leichsenring (guitar), Manuel Richter (guitar).